As of October 31, you have raised $40,475, that’s 67% of our $60,000 goal! You can still help to reach the goal!
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17th Annual
Student Scholarship (PAASS) Benefit
Sunday, October 31, 2021
6-7 PM
Enjoy the Live stream from the comfort of your home
HERE’S THE LIVE STREAM –> PAA Video YouTube Channel
Featuring PAA Students, Staff, Alumni in compelling conversation & inspiring music performances
Celebrating the PAA Mission Celebrating God’s Blessings
This year some 40% of students are receiving some level of financial aid.
Our fall fundraiser is how we receive the majority of our annual scholarships funds awarded during the same school year.
And, historically, student scholarships help more than one-third of our students to attend PAA and receive a Christian education where classes are small, and students and teachers get to know one another well.
Scholarships continue to be important as we all continue to recover from 2020 and the COVID environment. Your giving helps students who want be at PAA.
Gifts from this event provide scholarships for students who otherwise would not be able to attend PAA.
Since we can’t hold our large gathering, maybe you’ll consider hosting a small-group watch party. Ask for the Watch Party FAQs for more info.
Junior student Sammy R. is one of the students featured in the Fall Celebration broadcast program. Click the photo to see a short video clip. Click here to see a second video of Sammy.
Seniors Jose and Ximena speak with Pastor Stephen for the Fall Celebration broadcast program. Click the photo to see a short video of Jose. Click here to hear Ximena.