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Pastor Parris to Principal Parris

Next to his photo in his senior yearbook, our new principal, Sheldon Parris shared his goal to become a Pastor. It was his time as a PAA student that sparked this desire.

Sheldon’s eventual return to PAA is a surprising story that reminds us of God’s mysterious work both at PAA and in the lives of our students. His timing truly is perfect and it’s exciting to reap the rewards of a student invested in many years ago.

Mr. Parris was raised in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. At the age of 16 he moved to Portland and began attending PAA in the middle of the school year. “Although the climate was cold at that time of year, the PAA family was warm,” recalls Parris. “From the first time I walked into the school, I felt welcomed. Students walked me to class, introduced me to friends, invited me to study with them, and familiarized me with the American culture. It was exactly what I needed spiritually, academically, and socially.”

Sheldon graduated from Walla Walla University with a Religion degree. He soon realized the incredible mission field in education.

Sheldon graduated from Walla Walla University with a Religion degree. He soon realized the incredible mission field in education while working as a Bible teacher at NPAA. 

Sheldon went on to Walla Walla University where he earned a Religion degree. God opened doors at Newbury Park Adventist Academy (NPAA) where he served as boys dean and a religion teacher. “It was there when I realized that education is as much a ministry as any other ministerial capacity in the Adventist Church,” says Mr. Parris.

Mr. Parris continued to grow in the field of education as he added additional responsibilities to his work at NPAA and eventually became the school’s Vice Principal. He continued his professional growth at La Sierra University and recently completed a master’s degree in Administration and Leadership.

For Mr. Parris, returning to PAA is a spiritual homecoming.

Sheldon's original goal was to become a pastor. God pointed him in the direction of ministering to young people through education.

Sheldon’s original goal was to become a pastor. God pointed him in the direction of ministering to young people through education.

“Before I came to PAA as a student, I believed in God but a relationship with him was non-existent,” he says. “But I saw in my peers something that I had never seen before. They were in love with Jesus Christ and it showed in everything they did. I wanted a connection with Christ more than anything else. It was at PAA that I started reading my Bible for the first time. I attended Bible Studies, paid close attention in Bible class, prayed like I had never prayed before, and soon was baptized. PAA gave me much more than academic knowledge. It gave me Jesus!”

“Children are the future of our church and our world,” says Mr. Parris. “I cannot think of a better mission than preparing them to lead others to the kingdom of God. I am honored to serve as PAA’s new principal and I promise to give back to the school all that it gave to me and more!”

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