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Goodbye to Five of our Beloved

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

This summer, we say goodbye to five great people who served our school with passion and purpose.


During his three years at PAA, he brought this wisdom to the Campus Ministries department where he helped lead young people to the peace of God. He organized Friday evening “Community” worships; Summit services; mission trips; and Class Challenges, Retreats, and Adventures. Through his work, he taught students to build a faithful community of believers who genuinely and transparently seek justice, mercy, and humility. PAA was blessed by his passions, skills, and service.


Because of Tamberly’s work, PAA’s enrollment numbers grew, the PAASS funds for worthy students increased, and a vital financial foundation for the Capital Campaign was established. The last event she organized was the very joyful and successful Women’s Tea Party. The event brought together over 100 women who collectively funded over $14,000 worth of student scholarships and classroom needs.

Tamberly worked enthusiastically to organize events that augmented PAA’s community and connections. Her gift of loving people strengthened relationships with our churches, sister schools, alumni, and donors. Her passionate work grew a community of PAA supporters and advocates while her maternal care for our students and staff was a reflection of a Christ-centered life.

PAA’s past, present, and future students are blessed because of Tamberly’s love of and belief in PAA.


His greater gift to our school was his sincerity and care for the students he taught and mentored. He daily exemplified PAA’s Christ-centered, character-driven motto through his joyful presence, his hard work, and his positive energy. We are grateful for Tony’s time at PAA.


Linda Neel closed the book of her 44-year career as a music teacher. After 31 years of “bleeding cougar blue,” she leaves our halls as one of our greatest fans and legends.

Neel’s many awards include the Adventist Education Zapara Award for Excellence in Teaching, the Oregon Music Educators Association Certificate of Merit, nine state band championships, and numerous top-three choir placements at state choir competitions. More importantly, she has taught thousands of students and touched the hearts of teens through many generations.

At her retirement party, students, parents, alumni, and colleagues shared their thanks to her. Comments ranged from humorous stories about music trips to personal and deep reflections on how Neel helped students during their darkest hours.

“I feel very fortunate to teach in a school where everyone works so well together, said Ms. Neel. “We have an unreal amount of talent in our students. We have supportive and loyal parents, some who have gone on tour with me for 15 years – long after their kids had graduated. Even the ability of our music and athletic departments working so well together is rare. But we have that at PAA. Sometimes you settle into a place and you just know it’s home. This was it for me.”


Herfa’s great sense of humor brought us joy. Her stories about perseverance as well as her unique views of the world as a traveled and diverse person were enlightening. The ever optimistic and hopeful Mrs. Zimmerman is an open book and a genuine soul ready to tell you about God’s work in her life.

We thank her for her time and talent and we wish her all God’s blessings!

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