*Beyond washing your hands, there are so many more ways we can keep PAA well!
We want you to know all the ways we’re keeping our community well and how you can do your part.
Here at PAA . . .
– Surfaces and door knobs are getting a wash twice, daily (or more).
– Every teacher is disinfecting their classroom surfaces through the school day.
– Surfaces that are highly accessed are getting extra attention.
– Staff and students are told to stay home if they feel ill and have a fever.
– If a student looks sick, they’re sent to the office to have their temperature and symptoms checked.
– If a student is sick, they’re sent home immediately
What you can do . . .
– Always wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
– Coughing and sneezing etiquette is important to practice (whether you’re sick or not).
– Feeling sick? Fever? Shortness of breath or significant coughing? Stay home.
The What Ifs . . .
– What is my child is ill? a) Stay home and call your doctor for further action. b) Notify us so we can accommodate home learning, if needed.
– What if PAA closes? a) Students have been asked to take home ALL of their books and Chromebook DAILY. b) If PAA closes for quarantine, students and teachers will proceed with e-learning days.
Learn more . . .
– Do not share information that isn’t from a reputable source. Not sure? Read THIS.
*Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash